There is a possible worst case scenario: You may be unsuccessful in having your defaults removed.
You need to understand that while we have a great success rate and the average time frame is 21 working days, some files do take a very long time to negotiate and sometimes, even after several months of waiting on your part and work on our part, we are simply unable to remove all defaults.
WE are finding many delays right now due jointly to Creditors Taking much longer than previously experienced to supply documents and overloaded Ombudsmen that can take (in some cases) many months before your file will be allocated a case manager within those ombudsmean services. MyCRA will however, stay on you case (and theirs) to ensure things happen in the shortest possible time. We are now letting clients know that a more realistic time frame for most defaults is 45 - 60 days from receipt of stage 2 payments.
Don't give up though as recently we had a default removed that took 11 months of continuous work.
I'll be honest and admit that the client had secretly given up thinking it was all a bad joke, until we called him to advise of the successful removal of his default.
Even though he was frustrated at times, he hung in there and once the default was removed he finally got his financial integrity back and was able to apply for the finance he was after.
MyCRA is an Australian Company | Copyright MyCRA 2009 - 2025 Free Credit File or Free Credit Report from Veda Advantage, My Credit File, Dun & Bradstreet and Tascol or Tasmanian Collection Service available from here
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Please Note: Our previous results of up to 91.7% have applied to consumer applications and past results are no indication of future performance.